Friday, March 22, 2013

this mirror on the wall 
show us nothing at all
but this mirror on the lake 
show us whats really and whats fake
this clay on the wheel 
show us how we truely feel
this creative writing class 
sets us apart from the mass
this mirror on the wall 
show us nothing at all
but this mirror in the snow 
will show us where to go
the mirror in are food 
show us are current mood
and the mirror in are dreams 
shows us all it seems
ive said it before and ill say it again
you should write this one with a pen
"are greatest fear isnt that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure"
you are your  worst enemy
you are your own deputy
you make the rules
you choose to follow fools
you know how great you are
you know if you wanted to be you could be a star
you just have to go for it
hold nothing back not even a little bit
find your passion
treat it with compassion
dont tell your self your not good enough
just becouse the road is ruff
"success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt 
you can never tell how close you are
you might be near when it seems so far
so stick to the fight when your hardest hit
its when things seem worst you must not quite"
i know thats more then one line
but i hope this inspires you to shine

Sunday, March 17, 2013

my last post was lame
and I know that so this is me coming back to the game
but really late right now
and im so hungry I could eat a cow
so next will be bomb
so look it up at me .com

Someone else would be like
a dog that could fly a bird that can swim a fish that could walk
its just not going to happen
a writing promt about some else
its impossible but I just asked my girl friend and she said she really liked that writing promt....
she said she would write about her grandpa
I say that by the time I finish I will be a granpa
she said write about some one whos real or fake
but that freakin everyone
so what am I supposed to do
idk so I give up

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Death some things I need to get off my chessst
some questions I got to ask
and some things we got to establish before I take off this mask
first I aint scared of you
there aint nothing I cant live through
second it wasnt his time go
and you knew that so thats a low blow
third you invited me so no forming grudges
and neither of us law binding citizens so no need for judges
death how do you decide when its someones time to go
and what if there in the middle of their show
I would understande if the curtin was closed
but what if their play was still being composed
does that change your mind
or to you is that a good find
do you even decide when some one dies
or do you just sit and enjoy the cries
what happenes if they choose you
do you have the power to reject them too
does it hurt to die
or do you just kinda pass on by
finally does it matter if you fall in love
thats all the questions I could think of

Monday, March 11, 2013

sorrowful place alone cold empty
special place aspiring creative energetic
sour place anger contention egregious
spectacular place astounding captivating exotic

what it is and and what it will what is has been and what it should be are all nothing alike because space the base of nothing
the total absence of something
no sound no heat no heart beat
a place where a loved one once laid 
a nd there's nothing casting a shadow but it's in the shade
a place where a new will be erected 
a nd the memories of the old deflected 
a placewhere you can be alone and just be
a place where no one can see 
a feeling like no other 
a s true as the love of a mother 
a feeling that could only come in space 
a fear we all share and don't want to face 
a re greatest fear is not that inadequate but that we powerful beyond believe”

Who made that rule anyway
and who is going to make me fallow it.
If your here to read my post good :)
if your here to look at pictures go to pintrest....
if your here to listen to music open up a new tab and type in pandora....
if your here to be inspired then just keep reading
if your here to be entertained go to you tube type in people are awesome
if you need pretty colors and a cool back round go to some one else's blog.
. but I will add a link back to Paris because I just went on some one's blog that didnt have it and it was annoying ….. but I'm writing it in french.